Surya Weft Tensioner Shuttle Loom Coil is a crucial component in the world of textile manufacturing. Designed to optimize weaving processes, it plays a pivotal role in ensuring smooth and efficient fabric production. Let’s delve into the details:

What Is Surya Weft Tensioner?

  • Surya Weft Tensioner is a specialized device used in shuttle looms. Its primary function is to regulate the tension of the weft yarn during the weaving process.
  • As the shuttle shuttles back and forth across the loom, the weft yarn (also known as the filling or woof) is inserted horizontally to create the fabric.
  • The weft tensioner ensures consistent tension in the weft yarn, preventing irregularities and ensuring uniform fabric quality.
Key Features of Surya Weft Tensioner Shuttle Loom Coil:

Precise Tension Control:
  • The tensioner allows precise adjustment of the weft yarn tension. This control ensures that the weft is neither too loose nor too tight, resulting in well-woven fabric.
  • Matching winding speed to the varying speed of the weaving machine, the tensioner prevents yarn exhaustion and detects weft breakage before it leaves the spool.
 Compatibility with Shuttle Looms:
  • The weft tensioner is specifically designed for use in shuttle looms.
  • While shttleless looms have gained popularity, traditional shuttle looms still find application, especially in certain local areas.
Materials and Construction:
  • Weft tensioners are typically made from materials like mild steel, plastic, and stainless steel.
  • Their robust construction ensures durability and longevity, even in demanding textile production environments.


  • The weft tensioner is indispensable in various textile processes, including:
    • Fabric Weaving: It ensures consistent weft tension, resulting in high-quality woven fabrics.
    • Yarn Dyeing: Proper tension prevents yarn tangling during dyeing.
    • Textile Industry: Weft tensioners are used in both conventional and modern weaving setups.